Maximus Kamikaze Drill is a simple template to mark the spot for that Kamikaze UNLOCK on Winbond flash for Slim Drives
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Have you spent a long time in choosing a high quality charger for your Xbox One? I can say it is really a big deal for you, for a wrong choice will waste your money and time. Then how to make a right selection from the chargers? Here I will present this one for you. This charger can enhance your gaming experience.
The Maximus Trident MX is a spear / probe device that can be used on the Xbox 360 Slim Lite-On DG-16D4S drives that have the Macronix SPI chips to unlock them, the process does not require any soldering and only 1-track needs to be cut for the process making it very user friendly for those new or old to drive flashing.
Fast RGH 2 glitcher chip. Compatible with Phat, Trinity and Corona Boards. This model has some changes like the new jtag programming port without connector, and a new range of capacitor selections for CPU_RESET and PLL_BYPASS (phat RGH1).
Xbox One handles mobile phone support
Chatpad Message Game Controller Keyboard for Xbox One Controller
Brand new DOBE USB Charging Stand for PS4 Dualshocks 4 Controller
The Maximus SDTool for Corona 4GB Kit includes 2 modes of installation that fits the installer's experience. It can be installed with a user friendly Quick-Solder Board for beginners or can be installed with a pin header kit (for experienced installers). The Maximus SDTool for Corona 4GB kit include two separate modules! (*BONUS – one kit for 2 consoles)
A perfect item for Xbox 360 users. Let your fingers do the talking with this chat pad during games. Consist a total of 47 keys, including 0-9 number, 26 English letters & assistant keys.
Look simple & small as the mobile phone's keyboard.
Bottom audio jack fits with 2.5mm earphones or Xbox 360 original earphones.
Remote controller for PlayStation 4 working on 2,4Ghz frequencies allows you to play any movies from your console.
Have you spent a long time in choosing a high quality charger for your Xbox One? I can say it is really a big deal for you, for a wrong choice will waste your money and time. Then how to make a right selection from the chargers? Here I will present this one for you. This charger can enhance your gaming experience.
This charger can enhance your gaming experience. Professional design makes it excellent in shock resistancy and durability, so it can be useful for a long time. It is portable and handy, thus you can charge your Xbox One Slim device anytime and anywhere. It is a great accessory for your Xbox One S.
PS4 handles Bluetooth mobile phone support