Upper Motherboard for Amazon Luna Controller
- Original Amazon product
- 6-month warranty
- Optional paid installation available at SerwisKonsol.pl
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Motherboard SAC-001 for PlayStation 4 CUH-1116
The 2016 PS4 Slim edition debuts alongside a brand new DualShock 4 pad - though you'd be excused for failing to spot the difference.
In the hand, it's practically identical to its predecessor, which was easily the best pad Sony had ever made, and up there with the best of all time.
Refurbished wireless module J20H071 for PlayStation 4
Refurbished wireless module for PlayStation 4
Tray roller for Blu-Ray Playstation 4 Slim 2016 2116 2216
The 2016 PS4 Slim edition debuts alongside a brand new DualShock 4 pad - though you'd be excused for failing to spot the difference.
In the hand, it's practically identical to its predecessor, which was easily the best pad Sony had ever made, and up there with the best of all time.
Motherboard SAE-004 for PlayStation 4 Slim CUH-2116