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  • Categories: Xbox 360
  • Brand: Maximus Lizard 360
Maximus Lizard 360 Maximus SD Tool 1.1 for Corona Motherboard

The Maximus SDTool for Corona 4GB Kit includes 2 modes of installation that fits the installer's experience. It can be installed with a user friendly Quick-Solder Board for beginners or can be installed with a pin header kit (for experienced installers). The Maximus SDTool for Corona 4GB kit include two separate modules! (*BONUS – one kit for 2 consoles)  

Maximus Lizard 360 Maximus Trident MX

The Maximus Trident MX is a spear / probe device that can be used on the Xbox 360 Slim Lite-On DG-16D4S drives that have the Macronix SPI chips to unlock them, the process does not require any soldering and only 1-track needs to be cut for the process making it very user friendly for those new or old to drive flashing. 
