HDMI socket for Microsoft Xbox Series X
- Warranty 12 months
- Can be installed at our service
- Brand new, packed in blister pac
Repair parts for Xbox Series X Model 1882
XClamp unlock tool from Team Xecuter, stand alone unit.
This Lite-On DG-6M5S BD Drive is perfect for replacing or upgrading most of your Xbox ONE S Drive. The Lite-on drive is the latest model used by Microsoft. If your console is struggling to read disks, reports errors, or has compatibility or speed problems when playing back up games, then the Lite-On drive is the answer.
Power Supply Internal AC Adapter for Microsoft Xbox Series X
Socket ribbon cable FPC NEXUS Xbox Series X
Front USB socket and BIND button for Xbox Series X 1882 console
Original SATA cable for all Xbox Series X 1882 drives
Ribbon cable board eject and power for Xbox Series X 1882
Ribbon cable board Nexus bind USB for Xbox Series X 1882
Motherboard connection ribbon cable for Xbox Series X 1882
Daughter board NEXUS eject and power for Xbox Series X 1882
Front USB socket and BIND button for Xbox Series X 1882 console
Motherboard connection ribbon cable for Xbox Series X 1882