Texas Instruments TDP-158 chip for Xbox One X 1787
- Original Texas Instruments product
- Warranty 12 miesięcy
- Can be installed at our service
Repair parts for Xbox One
Repair parts for controller
Repair parts for Xbox One
Repair parts Xbox One S
Repair parts for Xbox One X console Model 1787
Active filters
XClamp unlock tool from Team Xecuter, stand alone unit.
Motherboard M1039454-001 for Microsoft Xbox One X
Brand new, original internal Network Card for Xbox One X Model 1787
Hard Disk Drive HDD mounting bracket Xbox One X 1787
Complete housing for Xbox One X Model 1787 console.
Complete Blu-Ray drive for Microsoft Xbox One X
Brand new, original power cable for all Xbox One S drives
Brand new, original SATA cable for all Xbox One X Model 1787 drives
Ribbon cable board and Infrared IR receiver for Xbox One X 1787
Eject board and Infrared IR receiver for Xbox One X 1787
Front USB socket and BIND button for Xbox One X console
Logic board BD ROM DG-6M5S drives Xbox One S and One X
Front USB socket and BIND button for Xbox One X console
Socket ribbon cable USB for Xbox One X
Original bind, eject, power button for Xbox One S, One X consoles
Socket ribbon cable USB for Xbox One X